As a stay-at-home-Mom, I occasionally find myself isolated from friends and the outside world. Please know that I don't actually mind this at all. However, in addition to a girl needing her mother... every once in awhile, a girl needs her girlfriends. And, I do pine for the days when I had various girlfriends at arms length for a quick conversation, a sympathetic ear, a lunch date for a salad or Tasti-Delight (NYC's version of fro-yo). In the 7 years since my departure from the corporate world, I have convened with various girlfriends, sadly, only a handful of times.
My angels today, are my girlfriends. Caren, Loree, Lori, Sue, Tammy, Wilma. Those women I love dearly, who recognizing my self-imposed "prison", always find a way to break me out every once in awhile... Either by insisting on a quickie salad at the diner ("back before your kids' bedtimes, I promise"); or by a quickie visit, spending a day in my crazy home so the boys' hectic Early Intervention therapy routine or naptime schedule or school pick-ups don't get messed up; or by sending just exactly the right email (usually about aging woman or crazed mothers); or by a simple pick-me-up phone call. Thanks for the outreach program ladies/angels. I couldn't survive without each and every one of you.
Moved to
14 years ago
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